
Sound Story Sharing

本場座談於誠品書店 R79 舉辦,分享「未來種子:熱帶雨林研究調查計畫」團隊至印尼蘇門答臘島進入 Leuser ecosystem 保護區研究站,跟隨著在地嚮導與紅毛猩猩研究員進行雨林踏查的經驗,並分享熱帶雨林中的聲音想與你訴說的故事。

This talk shares the experience of the “Seeding Future: Tropical Rainforest Research Project" when they went to the Leuser ecosystem’s research station in the Sumatra Island, Indonesia, followed the local guides and orangutan researchers on a rainforest trek, and shared the stories that the audios of the rainforest would like to tell you.

Keelung Ciao Art Festival


The “Rainforest Adventure" is a co-creation workshop conducted by the Seeding Future members at Pinglin Junior High School in New Taipei City. The game “Plant Detective" identifies plants and guides the students to explore the biodiversity of the rainforest and the connection between the products they often use in their lives and the rainforest.

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